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Anonym - 29.1.2025 12:22 адвокат по каким делам Anonym - 19.12.2024 05:32 промокод бк бонус Tottenham have terminated their betting deal with controversial gambling firm 1XBET according to reports on Saturday night, just four weeks after Sportsmail highlighted concerns over the betting company's licence having been suspended in Kenya. 1XBET, who were Tottenham's African betting partner, were also using huge billboards with England captain Harry Kane and other Spurs players in the African country, where gambling has become a massive social issue. Campaigners claimed the adverts lured young people into addiction. This is the enormous billboard using Tottenham's star players to promote 1XBET in Nairobi RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Everton sponsor SportPesa becomes latest firm to be linked... Club-linked firm uses Tottenham stars on adverts... but... 'The injury looks bad and shifts the title towards... 'This game is the perfect example that VAR doesn't always... Share this article Share 27 shares Following Sportsmail's report, further issues were raised concerning the company's conduct, with the UK Gambling Commission confirming last month that there were 'ongoing enquiries into 1Xbet and their relationship with licensed operator FSB'. The Sunday Times had reported that the 1XBET brand had been used to promote gambling on children's sports and cockfights as well as a Pornhub casino and their UK licence had been suspended while the Gambling Commission's inquiry was ongoing. Sportsmail revealed in July that Spurs had expressed their concerns to 1XBET and were seeking reassurances from company about its practices in Kenya. Now the Sunday Times has reported that Spurs have terminated their agreement with the company, though Liverpool and Chelsea still have sponsorship deals with the firm. Tottenham have decided to terminate their deal with 1XBET over the concerns out in Kenya RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Everton sponsor SportPesa becomes latest firm to be linked... Club-linked firm uses Tottenham stars on adverts... but... 'The injury looks bad and shifts the title towards... 'This game is the perfect example that VAR doesn't always... Share this article Share 27 shares Harry KaneTottenham Hotspur Anonym - 9.12.2024 01:35 1хбет зеркало промокод if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0) - 21.8.2024 11:01 555 -1 OR 3+309-309-1=0+0+0+1 - 21.8.2024 11:00 555 -1 OR 2+309-309-1=0+0+0+1 - 21.8.2024 11:00 555 1*1 - 21.8.2024 10:59 555 dYJ2omN5 - 21.8.2024 10:59 555 1 - 21.8.2024 09:19 555 Anonym - 10.8.2024 23:32 Goldendoodle JesorVilson - 19.7.2024 09:51 Ahoj! Pokud hledáte spolehlivý obchod s produkty pro vaping, doporučuji vám podívat se na MixVape. Tento online obchod nabízí široký sortiment elektronických cigaret, náplní, příslušenství a mnoho dalšího. MixVape poskytuje různé příchutě a druhy náplní, stejně jako jednorázová zařízení a baterie. Více informací najdete na https://www.mixvape.cz/ Ivanskiy - 19.7.2024 09:44 Kde mohu najít spolehlivý obchod s produkty pro vaping? Slaybunny305 - 5.3.2024 18:04 * budeme dávat podhrabové desky ale to problém úplně nezastaví Slaybunny305 - 4.3.2024 17:49 Ahojte pejskaři, ráda bych se vás zeptala, jestli nevíte jak odnaučit psa dělat díry v plotě a utíkat? Už nám 3x zdrhla, právě proto že si v plotě udělá díru a pak to ještě podhrabe. Nechci to řešit násilím, to bohužel dělá otec a já s tím nesouhlasím. Vezme ji za kůži a flákne s ní na místě kde díru udělala, pak jí jěště zmlátí😭 vždy pak brečím a on mě seřve, jak bych to jinak řešila. Ale ona stejně pokračuje a hned po vykárání je v pohodě😅Proto se obracím na vás. Je to fenka goldendoodla, hiperaktivní. Vážně to nechci řešit násilím, nedokážu se na to dívat, jak jí za tu kůži vytahá a ona kňučí a pak jí metr hodí😭😭😭 nevíte jak ji to odnaučit?